The Casentino Forests National Park
The Casentinese valley has FOR centuries been surrounded by vast expanses OF woodland , today largely included IN the territory OF the Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi . This large surface, the SECOND IN Europe due TO its woodland extension, has SOME truly UNIQUE NATURAL features. IN addition TO hosting a huge variety OF animal species , the Forest IS also the scene OF tourism FOR lovers OF trekking, running, hiking AND the Mountain Byke. There ARE numerous tree species that make up the flora OF the Park, now protected thanks TO a careful forest conservation policy which finds its peak IN the Sasso Fratino nature reserve , the FIRST Reserve Integral Italian Established since 1977. SOME Beeches that still live IN this reserve exceed according TO the experts the 400 OR even 500 years OF age, therefore already present AT the age OF Christopher Columbus OR Leonardo da Vinci. Among the animal species most present IN the Park we can remember the Deer, whose roaring often resounds IN the valleys, fallow deer AND roe deer, the wolf OF the Apennines whose sightings ARE always present frequently, AND many other species however inoffensive that you can meet during the hikes AND walks along the guided trails.